Greetings, St. James Family,
Bishop Reed will be with us this coming Sunday, June 13th, during our Sunday Eucharist Service. We will be Baptizing Bryson, son of Alex Smith and Rudy Bonilla. We will also be receiving Dan Salas. There will be a brunch, hosted by members of the church, following the service, to welcome the Bishop, celebrate the Baptism/Reception, and celebrate my Ordination to the Priesthood. Please join us!
I also want to remind you that if you're going to shop on Amazon, please go through our AmazonSmile page (Click here or on the page's link). A small portion of your purchase will benefit our church. We just received our first check from Amazon, which was small, but everything helps. Finally, please join me for Compline on our Facebook page live, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is a service at 8:00 PM, in English, followed by one in Spanish. See you Sunday! Your servant in Christ, Fr. Arnoldo+