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Fulfilling The Law Of Christ

Writer's picture: The Rev. Arnoldo L. RomeroThe Rev. Arnoldo L. Romero

In the passage of the Judgement of the Nations, Jesus says, "I was sick and you took care of me." (Matthew 25:31-46) Led by The First Presbyterian Church - Del Rio, that's exactly what we are doing at St. James. Every Wednesday, a group of faithful church members contribute to, prepare, assemble, and distribute an average of 24 meals to homebound people in our community.

The menus are prepared a month in advance by Liz Ricks and the main dishes are cooked by Ms. Luisa. St. James furnishes the salad, desert & rolls. Other churches and businesses furnish meals the other four days of the week. This important ministry has been in place for years, and has been active even thru the pandemic.

Brenda Hunter is responsible for coordinating and contacting church members that volunteer for this ministry. Jon and Liz Miller, Sharon Sewell, and Ginny Cordell put the meal boxes together and deliver them. Women that make contributions about once a month are Margo Rosenow, Twila Barnett, Sara Winters, Mayra Lopez, Liz Miller, Sally Moreman, Lisa Cawley-Romero, and Brenda Hunter. Even Susan Smart's 2nd Grade class at our school purchases rolls regularly, as one of their service projects.

On behalf of our beloved church family, I want to thank each and everyone of you for being the hands of Christ in our community. If you want to help with this and/or other ministries, please do not hesitate to contact me. "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few."

Your Servant in Christ,

The Rev. Arnoldo L. Romero+


206 W. Greenwood St. |  P.O. Box 1126  |  Del Rio, Texas 78841-1126  | 830.308.3001


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