Last weekend Dan Salas attended the “Nails and Prayers” retreat at Camp Capers, where he used his God given talents to do the work of our Lord. Under the leadership of Fr. Gerald Phelps, as well as Fr. Dexter Lesieur, they added mulch to the obstacle courses and kayak boat dock, mowed, landscaped and built a roof for the cement pad near the climbing wall. In the words of Fr. Gerald, “It was amazing to meet Dan. He is a wonderful person and an amazing musician. He did a song for her Compline, and then three songs for worship. He was my right hand man through the building project.” Thank you Dan, for representing St. James so well.
This ministry is held every spring to get the camp ready for families and groups visiting Camp Capers. If you're interested in this or other ministry opportunities, please let me know. As we’re told in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”
Fr. Arnoldo Leonardo Romero